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Our Events


What's On

Results from the...

Monday August 26th at 7pm 

28th September 9am-12pm

11th -14th October

Fred & Betty Bull Movie Night at Trinity Church, Darfield

This was successful evening in aid of the St Ambrose Church's structural remediation programme. 

Memory stick copies of reels and still photographs may also be purchased. Contact the email address​

Pub Quiz  at Thirsty Acres, Kirwee

Get your team ready for the quiz evening.

Tickets - $60 for a table of 4 - 6 people. Tickets can be purchased via Humanitix online Contact Helena Cridge Pub meals are available before the event. Raffle prizes include a week in Queenstown, a long weekend at Lake Kaniere, and a mega grocery hamper.

Parish Spring Fair 

The annual Spring Fair at Trinity Church includes craft, plant, household and food stalls inside and outside Trinity Church.

Indoor stalls are sold out. Outdoor stalls may still be booked.

Donations of plants and baking & preserves will be very welcome on the day or the day before. 

Contact Alison Gray 

White Elephant Sale 

The White Elephant Sale is at the Trinity Hall near to Trinity Church.

Friday 11th October 9am-3pm

Saturday 12th October 9am-3pm

Sunday 13th October 12am-4pm

Monday 14th October 9am-1pm

Items for sale to Jacky Lawson ( or 021 053 5984)

Get in Touch

021 181 9574

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